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Sativa Preroll 15 Pack


15 prerolls that come in an amber glass jar to preserve freshness and THC content.  Each preroll is a 0.5g cone joint.  Save +20% off the single joint price.

(2 customer reviews)
Choose:Choose:Organic Sea WarpChocolopeBlue Dream

 Save 20% when you buy 15 prerolls! 

We roll some pretty good sativa joints.  These joints are a 1/2 gram each rolled to perfection in a 1 1/4 inch cone.  They burn even and smooth.  Save the time and hassle of rolling your own joint.   Don’t get your hands all sticky, fumble around with grinders or lick papers.

Sativa preroll 15 packs characteristics:

  • great deal – 15 joints for the price of 12 !
  • perfectly rolled in a 1.25″ cone joint
  • comes in an amber glass jar to preserve freshness.

Sativa joints are strains that are generally more uplifting, buzzy and energetic.  Their origins are closer to the equator, they take longer to flower than indica strains.

Limited stock on our Sativa Preroll 15 pack.

If you want to know more about sativa cannabis, read this article here


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