CBD Hemp Oil is a wonderful medicinal product. Â There is a lot of hype around CBD these days. Â Much of it is vastly unnecessary and a little overblown. Â CBD is not snake oil, but it isn’t a magic cure all either. Â It is a medicine. Â It’s a great medicine for certain ailments. Â In terms of treating seizures it is pretty amazing. Â If you’ve never seen any of the CBD videos they have out there, here is one about kids and seizures. Â You can for sure go down the youtube rabbit hole and find plenty of these videos. Â In terms of what CBD does for seizures its a out right miracle. Â I have also personally seen the impact it has on people with anxiety. I myself suffer from anxiety and have dealt with panic attacks. Â High doses of THC can actually trigger these anxiety attacks. Â One of the best things to counteract these anxious feelings is taking CBD. Â I personally always have a bottle of CBD when I smoke cannabis. Â If I ever get stoned to the point it gives me anxious or paranoid feelings, I take a full dropper of 1000mg CBD (about 33mg dose) and these feelings dissipate for me in 10-15 mins. Â Decades of smoking weed and I never knew this was something you could use. Â I have suffered through social anxiety that CBD has greatly reduced. Â I love cannabis and using it, but often times it could be like russian roulette. Â Basically 1 out of every 10 times it would give me an anxiety attack. Â CBD Hemp Oil has made that incredibly manageable for me. Now I take it daily as it helps me maintain a level of calm and also helps regulate my sleep cycle.